Security Guard & Mobile Patrol Services at Kerberos International

Kerberos Internationals’ mobile patrol services give property owners and managers a way of monitoring their facilities when you are away. Kerberos Internationals’ Patrol Officers using marked and highly visible mobile patrol vehicles greatly assist to identify property damage, deter crime and provide your tenants with peace of mind security.
Security Guard Services
Kerberos International uses the latest and most advanced technology to monitor patrol activity, accountability and provide our clients with pin-point information about their facility and our output. Reports pertaining to security guard activity or incident management can be submitted to the client daily or weekly.
Mobile Patrol Services
Kerberos Internationals’ mobile patrol services give property owners and managers a way of monitoring their facilities after your business hours. Kerberos Internationals’ marked and highly visible mobile patrol vehicles are a proven way to minimize property damage and deter crime.
We Patrol, We Secure. Kerberos Stands Ready
If you have questions, contact our Business Development Manager: Elisa Gabrielle DeHoyos or our VP of Government Services: Michael Harrison.
You can also visit our “Contact Us” page at: